Jack started the Adventure Guide Program in 2017 and graduated from the diploma in 2019. He continued his studies at TRU with the Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM) which he completed in 2022.

Get to know Jack

What have you been up to since graduating from TRU?

I spent the next few years whitewater raft guiding in Canada on the Kicking Horse River. After earning my BTM degree, I began guiding for OARS out of Angels Camp, California, as well as the Grand Canyon out of Flagstaff, Arizona.

What are some of your career highlights?

Working commercially alongside other TRU Adventure alumni such as Shane Derry, Landon Dobson, and Kyle Stephens, winning the 2024 Tournament of Champions, and working for a prestigious company like OARS.

Taking everything you learned from the Adventure Guide Program, what skills helped you in your current role?

One of the most beneficial skills I gained from the Adventure Studies program was a pair of skills that I was only beginning to grasp towards the end of the program. Work ethic and leadership have played a huge role in my guiding career and I am continuously striving to improve in those areas as much as I can. During the program I often took a back seat, but in the guiding world that was not going to get me anywhere. I am very grateful for the people around me who have continuously shown me what it means to be a good leader.

What key advice can you share with our current students?

Trust your instincts and always make time for your friends.

See you on the river, Jack!

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